We are proud to be a certified organic farm! Our produce was first certified in 2017.  We are certified by the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA). We value their commitment to giving a voice to small organic producers in helping shape state and federal policy making. 

We believe that being certified organic gives the consumer a clear idea of how our produce is grown.  We also think that by certifying we show our political and food systems that there is a growing community of organic farms and eaters who deserve a larger voice. We also think that sometimes the organic standards don’t go far enough, and in those areas we choose to farm with stronger standards. We are always learning and striving to improve all of the lives this farm touches- the soil, bugs, farm workers, and farmers alike.

Our farming methods exclude all synthetic and chemical sprays.  We focus on feeding the soil with compost in the spring, cover crops throughout the season, and chicken litter/manure in the fall.  We manage weeds by mechanical cultivation as well as hoeing and hand weeding.  We believe that the more we take care of our soil, the stronger our plants will grow, and the better our produce will taste.

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